Religious education

AQA GCSE RS - Judaism practices
This resource contains all the key information for this unit, including:
The importance of a synagogue
Interior features of a synagogue
Worship in Orthodox and Reform Synagogues
Daily services and prayer
Shabbat in the synagogue
Shabbat in the home
Worship in the home; the written and oral law
Ceremonies associated with birth

AQA GCSE RS - Creation
This document includes all the key information for this unit including:
Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’
Natural Law
The Catholic Church and science
Caring for the environment
CAFOD and sustainability
Interpreting the Genesis creation stories
Christian art depicting creation
Creation and nature of God in Genesis 1 and 2
The significance of the creation stories for Catholics
The Old Testament
The New Testament
Inspiration and the Bible as the Word of God
Interpreting the Bible today through the Magisterium
Bundle Sale

AQA GCSE 9-1 RS - Judaism
A complete set of resources for the Judaism component of AQA RS GCSE.
Beliefs and teachings

AQA GCSE RS-Redemption
This document covers all the key information for this topic including:
Church architecture
The main features of a Catholic Church
The role of Jesus in restoration and sacrifice
The significance of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection and ascension
Redemption in the Bible
St Irenaeus’ and St Anselm’s thoughts on salvation
Redemption and the Mass
Christian understandings of the Eucharist
Prayers in the Mass and adoration

AQA GCSE RS - Eschatology
This document covers:
Paschal Candle
Michelangelo’s ‘The Last Judgement’
Memorials and Life After Death
The Four Last Things
Purgatory and judgement
The parable of the Rich man of Lazarus

AQA GCSE RS - Family and Relationships
This document covers all the key information from this topic:
nature of marriage
marriage promises
roles and responsibility within the family
gender equality in the Bible
Catholic teaching on the equality of women and men
gender prejudice and discrimination

AQA GCSE RS - Church and the Kingdom of God
This document contains all the key information for this unit including:
pilgrimage and stations of the cross
mission and evangelism in drama
the kingdom of God
the Lord’s prayer
signs of the Kingdom: justice, peace and reconciliation
the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and the Second Vatican Council
the four marks of the Church
apostolic succession
kingdom values in different vocations
kingdom values in the life of a Catholic

AQA GCSE RS - Judaism beliefs and teachings
This document contains all the key information for this unit including:
The nature of God: God as one
The nature of God: God as creator
The nature of God: God as lawgiver and judge; the divine presence
Life after death, judgement and resurrection
The nature and role of the Messiah
The Promised Land and the covenant with Abraham
The covenant at Sinai and the Ten Commandments
Key moral principles in Judaism
Sanctity of life
Free will and mitzvoth